Friday, March 5, 2010
Why is Animal Farm important?
Monday, February 22, 2010
Who holds power in my house?
Friday, February 5, 2010
Why do siblings bicker?
People usually say siblings fight because they don't like each other, this is not true; It's a natural part of growing up. It's them learning how to get a long with people. Another reason is that the youngest child usually thinks that the parents praise the oldest more by letting them stay out later, not having an early bedtime, or telling them how good they do on chores. The older one thinks that the youngest gets all of the attention from their parents because the younger one's "cute, adorable, ect." But really, one of the biggest problems between them might be the parents fault at times. The parents sometimes let things slip out like "Why can't you be more like your brother," or "Your sister's so much better at that than you are," and this usually causes a rivalry between them thinking they have to out do one another. The basic sibling quarrel is the arguing. When they're really mad, at each other or not, they tend to hit or try to make their brother or sister cry by hurting their feelings. The one who makes the other cry might tell them their sorry or goto their parents about it and ask them to ask the victim to forgive them.
The real reason is that they're just around each other a lot. Every day, they come home from school and have to deal with their siblings. The oldest might have to baby sit the younger one(s). Or maybe one of them gets their way about what to eat for dinner or what movie to see. They just kind of get tired of not always getting their choice. And also, the oldest might want to go out with friends or walk to some ones house but they can't without letting their younger brother/sister go with them.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
How can Violence be stopped in schools?
Friday, October 30, 2009
The way of the Daos



Friday, October 2, 2009
How can you overcome not being liked?
There are quite a lot of people who get picked on and might feel out of place in their classes. It's sad to watch and even more sad when others don't stick up for them. It could be because of their looks or the clothes that they wear. It makes me wonder if the people picking on others have ever heard of the old saying, "treat others how you want to be treated." The best advice I can give for this is hope for the best but prepare for the worst. But for those of you who're quiet and wonder why people don't like you, you need to tell jokes (even if they're not funny, as weird as it sounds), be yourself. You shouldn't be scared to show people who you are. Tell people what you like to do, make friends. That's the only way people will come to know you.