Friday, October 30, 2009

The way of the Daos

The study of Chi, the form of meditation. Where does it all come from? Daoism, also known as Taoism, is known for releasing the unreleased power of the inner body. By dropping their heart rate and meditating, they become very relaxed and form chi.

The founder of this great religion is none other than Lao-Tze himself. He had mastered this technique enough to form his own religion based off of it. Those who follow soon will or hope to become as great as him or better.
About 225 million people are known to follow
this religion. The places with the most of Daos are China, Taiwan, and Southeast Asia.

Tao Teh Ching, the Daos sacred text. Written by Lao-Tze, the founder. Tells the many different practices
of Daoism.

Their rituals pretty much only rely on the teachings of the Tao Teh Ching. Having to practice constantly just like anything else you want to become good at.

They usually wear long robes for walking around or visiting people, but for their practices, they wear black puffed out leather-like sweat pants and a baggy-like shirt.

They look up to their Priest to follow and help out.

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